The healthcare and medical community are taking a holistic approach to the environmental factors that negatively affect our health. The Exposome is the totality of exposures we face throughout our lives and includes the food we ingest, the air we breathe, and the objects we touch. Simply, the toxins we eat, breathe and enter our bodies every day over a lifetime.
A 2021 study at the University of California, San Francisco, found 109 different industrial and consumer chemicals in its subjects’ blood ranging from plasticizers used for packaging to per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) used in nonstick cookware to pesticides and flame retardants. More than 50 of the chemicals had never been seen in people before; 42 were “mystery chemicals,” compounds of unknown origin.
Almost none of the 80,000 potentially toxic chemicals currently in use in the U. S. are closely monitored by the EPA. And the vast majority of people have no idea what they’ve been exposed to in a day. 1
Toxic exposures affect the body in myriad ways. They can change the bacteria in your gut, upending your microbiome. They can alter the way your cells communicate with one another, throwing off biological function. They can impair your nervous system, put your body into a state of stress, disrupt your hormones, or cause inflammation. And they can interact with your genes.
Detoxing your body is now more critical than ever. Our Detox package includes Low Level Laser Therapy, Ionic Foot Bath, Infrared Sauna Therapy, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can be added. Detox today for your health.
1. David Ferry, How Toxic Is Your Body?, Men’s Health Magazine,